Breakfast Sunday morning we treated ourselves to some bacon and egg toasties from the take away shop across the road. Sometimes you wish you had just cooked your own!
We left Moora and headed to New Norcia. This town was set up as a Benedictine monastery town. It is still in such use now and some of the old buildings are amazing. Old schools and orphanages. It was kind of surreal to see such a place in regional Australia.
The Monks have an operational bakery and they sell the bread through the roadhouse. We purchased some and made some toasted sandwiches and jam on bread for lunch. The bread was delicious. We just set up in one of the parks alongside the monastery. We would have sat around longer but for the very numerous and annoying little bugs.
We continued towards Perth via Bindoon and Toodyay before setting up in the Avon Valley National Park. This is only about 80km out of Perth.
I think we were the only ones in the park. Definitely the only ones in the campground we set up in. It was really good as there were picnic tables under pergolas and fire pits. We spent the night sitting by the fire.
Again, overnight it was very cold. We both slept in thermals and beanies with an extra blanket. It's way too soon to be this far south. Fortunately it is only temporary.
We didn't pack up until later in the morning. We got to spend a lazy morning reading and doing sudoku before making the final trip into Perth.
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