Day 15. Late night and lie in to 0900 was a welcome change and spent rest of the day walking around Burgos. The cathedral is stunning and huge but the pics don't do it justice with an iPhone.
Also booked a massage though the hotel which turned out to be a 90 minutes physio session on feet , calves and Sal had her shoulder sorted and strapped. Painful but probably needed to keep us going.
Said goodbye to a few people who are going back to their work after 2 weeks only to return next year to complete the camino. Aussies are also leaving skipping the hard bit and just going to do final 5 days - wimps! We saw Dutch friends Jakob and Trudy who are doing another 4 days and we hope to see them again on the Meseta before they go home.
As we are moving into wilderness for 4 days we are not sure of Wiffy availability so blog might be a delayed for a few days.
- comments
Sarah Cooke Hi Sal and Laurie, love reading your blog ... It's now competing with my latest Jo Nesbo book! Jeremy and I are full of admiration of your efforts, especially having completed a round of golf with John and Sandra yesterday and I still feel knackered this morning. Cannot imagine walking 32km!! With your worldly goods on your back! You must be nearing the half way mark so really well done. Look forward to reading your continuing adventures. Lots of love Sa and Jeremy xx
laurieandsally Sa and Jeremy thx so much for your message it's much appreciated. I don't think we will be doing such big days again as we don't have so much time to relax at the end of the day and the 6am alarm is becoming a pain in the a***. We should be at the halfway mark on Wednesday which will be somewhat of a milestone . S and L x