Little Kirsty Ventures to Pastures New
Tuesday 18th April
Finished Braveheart with my class, went to see Catherine to confirm arrangements for the deaf camp Aman and I are going to help with next week in West Malaysia. Everything is confirmed- I just need to pay for the flights.
Aman and I bummed about until we were due to show our presentation at 2.30pm- but no one turned up! Shocking!! So Johnston said he would make an official announcement telling everyone to come and watch it on Thursday.
Aman invited me back to the Hyatt, cause I didn't have any more classes, which was cool. We got back just in time for showers and cocktails, then her parents took us to the posh Hyatt Chinese Restaurant, which turned out to be quite an event! We'd already been on the booze for cocktails, so Aman's mum, Jazz was feeling confident with her order- confident is definitely the word! We ordered almost everything on the menu- highly amusing! Cause we thought the small portions would be really teeny so we ordered like 15. After we made the order, the waiter approached Jazz, and asked if she was sure she wanted to order so much. We were like- "well what do you suggest?" He said he thought we had too much, and that we should perhaps take a few things off the order. So we took a few things off, leaving about 10 things. After the waiter left we were all saying- "How weird!" None of us have ever been asked to reduce their order. And oh yeah- we were the only people in the restaurant, so it wasn't because the chef didn't have enough time to make it all. I think it is because, in East Malaysia, they do not like wasting food- and we were no way gona eat it all. When the meal arrived, it was an absolute joke. One portion each would have been more than enough- we were" oh dear, what are we gona do with all of this food?!" So slowly, we made our way through it. Unfortunately, Aman's mum had made the order and it was mostly sea food. I did my best, but I'm not a huge fan of fish things. Was all pretty good though. And the wine we had with it was ab fab!
The funniest thing at the meal was that when the waiter took the drinks order, he asked Aman's wee bro (9 years old) what he wanted and misheard his reply of "Coke" as "Carlsberg"- got a few giggles- poor guy.
That night we all went to bed at a ridiculously early time.
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