Little Kirsty Ventures to Pastures New
Woo bloody hoo!! Got the time off for going to Sarawak with Mammy and Gran. Gona kick some serious ass in Kuching! Reeally excited now. At last I can get round to booking a nice hotel and get the flights! Yeeey.
I was soo friggin nervous this morning about meeting the Principal. Was ridiculous!! But before I describe today's antics, better recap on last night.
After tea, Aman and I headed back to our room and I set the mood-closed the curtains, put on some soppy music and we carefully unwrapped the chocolates. And oh my, what a moment that was- the first taste of real chocolate in 2 months. First I chose a dark chocolate truffle with orange mouse inside- was called "Lust" on the packet. Mmmm, we had to scoop each choc out with a spoon cos they were half melted but they still tasted better than ever! Was a good moment- we were silent for about 5 mins while we just enjoyed the feast.
We then wondered what the girls would think if they knew how much the chocs cost. We calculated that the box of chocs would be worth around RM100 and about another RM100 for postage. And I can tell you- that is a loota money for them. Felt guilty after that.
Aman then received a txt from Catherine saying that she had left RM12000 in the Deaf Department and asked Aman to go and retrieve it ASAP. We were like- "Why on earth does she have RM12000 kicking about?!" So we went straight away to the department, and I secretly thought we were gona be kidnapped any second and we were taking part in some big scam. But when we go there we couldn't find anything. Turns out there was some confusion in the txt messages and she meant to say that she had left an LCD (projector thing) in the room worth RM12000. Drama.
We then went to the Asrama to teach our evening class, but they didn't turn up so we ended up just sitting and chatting for ages.
I decided to get an earlyish night in preparation for my big scary important meeting with the Principal about getting time of school.
I woke early and was already nervous. Made sure I ironed my clothes to perfection and that my hair was neat. As I walked to the staffroom to meet Johnston (who was going to accompany me), I had oober butterflies. Was like the walk of doom.
Johnston was running late and by the time we got to the Principal's office, she was already in class. So there was much sitting around and eventually Vera persuaded me to come to the hall with her to watch the closing ceremony of the Environmental week. At the front, there were sofas for the Headmistress and superior teacher's to sit on. Then the other teachers sat at each side of the hall, and the students in the centre.
Was really good cos it gave me a chance to see all of the "Fashion Show" entries, since I missed it last week due to choir practice.
Was really funny. One of the boys in my Form 1 class was dressed up as a Pharaoh, with make-up, a fan, some sort of strange paddle, the works. He was being really sarcastic, keeping a really straight face, yet with a bit of a gay smile. He was just so gay, funny and elegant all at the same time. The teacher's, even the Principal, were all peeing themselves when he walked elegantly about on stage, waving his fan and giving a little cheeky angelic look. Yeah, angelic's the word I was looking for.
There was a girl dressed fashionably in a bin bag , but fitted like a cocktail dress and she was showing soo much leg!! I was shocked,- tis weird cos I'm not used to seeing knees anymore and her skirt was a teensy bit higher than knee level, and when your up high on stage, that isn't really a good look for people sitting on the floor.
Annyway, the Principal then gave out prizes for various things the students had done during the week- like planting new plants, painting stones (some really cool designs) and collecting newspaper.
Joyce and co then rounded off the ceremony with a nice sing song.
After the ceremony, I headed back to the staffroom and Johnston said "Are you ready?" and "Have you prayed this morning?" I was like- ahhh! She's gona eat me! (Pumba).
We sat outside her office waiting for about 10 mins and Johnston was asking me about my family, what everyone works as etc- obviously trying to settle my nerves. He also asked how much we've traveled and saying that he's not traveled out of Malaysia, which I was a little shocked at cause he seems quite knowledgeable about other places.
We then headed into her office and she had a slight frown on her face (*heart pounding*). Johnston thankfully did the talking and I handed over the "Formal letter" that I had previously written yesterday. She said "What is this?" in a bit of a sharp tone but then continued reading with a look on her face that I couldn't distinguish. Thankfully, she then said that it was OK with her as long as she received a document from Penelope saying that she and GAP take full responsibility if anything should happen to me on the trip. I was a little shell shocked so just said "Thank you very much", bowed, then exited with Johnston. Think I held my breath the whole time I was in there. I've heard so many horror stories about her- wasn't that bad though. Think my letter helped- offering to take extra classes and complimenting the school. So s'aal good.
So this weekend- gona book the hotel and flights at last. Not got any classes today so just gona chill out, get my lunch and begin "The Davinci Code". Also gota choreograph a dance, since I am starting Contemporary Dance Classes tomorrow afternoon. Should be fuun.
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