Final day in Bangkok, so we got up in time for breakfast to make the most of it. We headed into the MBK mall at Siam Square, where I finally found a suitable hair dresser. I indulged in hours of hair pampering, while Darren went upstairs to check out the swanky internet lounge. Unfortunately my hair dresser couldn't speak much English, so I…
Welcome all to a little window into what I like to call Kirsty’s Big Adventure. I am travelling to Sabah, East Malaysia for 7 months to teach English as a foreign language and teach deaf children in a Secondary school.
I depart on Hogmanay and will meet some British Gappers in London. We will then fly to Penang, West Malaysia, where we will meet the Ozzies. There, we will begin a week long intensive training course, where we will learn to teach, as well as pick up some of the …
Welcome all to a little window into what I like to call Kirsty’s Big Adventure. I am travelling to Sabah, East Malaysia for 7 months to teach English as a foreign language and teach deaf children in a Secondary school.
I depart on Hogmanay and will meet some British Gappers in London. We will then fly to Penang, West Malaysia, where we will meet the Ozzies. There, we will begin a week long intensive training course, where we will learn to teach, as well as pick up some of the local “Malay” language.
After our training, we will separate off to our individual placements. For instance, my GAP partner, Aman, and I will fly to Koto Kinabalu, the capital of Sabah, to reach our placement.
We will work Monday to Friday each week but have weekends and various holidays off, which we will use to meet and travel with other gappers. Plans so far include- diving course, orang-utan sanctuary trek, climbing Mt Kinabalu, visiting Turtle Island and loads more!
After my 6 month placement I am travelling through West Malaysia and Thailand with my boyfriend, Darren, for 6 weeks.
If you want to keep track of what I’m doing, this is the place to be. Check out my pics, diary entries and leave me a message on my message board.
Just wana say a huuuge thanks to all of the trust funds and various friends and family who’ve done some major digging in their pockets to fund what’s gona be the best year ever for me. Thank you! + enjoy.
Final day in Bangkok, so we got up in time for breakfast to make the most of it. We headed into the MBK mall at Siam Square, where I finally found a suitable hair dresser. I indulged in hours …
After a great night's sleep in a comfy bed, we checked out the "Business lounge" for a posh breakfast, then decided to head to the infamous Weekend Market, which resulted in a rapid stress flo…
Right- after a rubbish nights sleep on the solid bed, I was determined to get us into a hotel. We got an early lunch of roti and daal- which I had sorely missed since leaving Malaysia- then we…
After chatting to ma mere, she said we should get into a decent hotel for our final couple of nights so we were on the search for a good hotel but it was oober last minute and they all seemed …
Last day in Cambod and we very nearly slept in past our check out time- oops! Packed oober quickly, dumped our bags in reception and ventured out for some brunch. Went to the loverly posh caf…
I'm with you on this one, but if you want another route to sell on try honey bunch models.
Kirsty D
Right guys- I'm pretty much up to date with zee blog now! Only a couple of days left to write up! So you can now check out what we were up to in Bangkok, Koh Chang and Cambodia! As you probably know, I'm home now and have had an absolutely fantabulous time!! Will upload the pics as soon as poss. If they're not on the web, I'll prob have them at home if you want a wee look! xxx
Hi Darren and Kirsty. Glad to hear you made it back to Bangkok in one piece! The bus journey sounded a bit scary! Not sure if you'll be checking your messages again before you head of to the airport. You'll probabley be too busy getting everything organised and enjoying your last evening before the long haul back home. Take it your on different flights back up from Heathrow. I'll be at the airport to collect you, Darren. Just give me a quick phone or text when you land and I'll get there by the time you retreive your bags. Mind and let me know when you get into Heathrow too, which if I remember should be after 7 tomorrow morning. Anyway, enjoy your last night in Bangkok and I'll see you tomorrow. Take care and a safe journey home. Love Mandy (Mum) xxx
Hey KD
Just dropping you a line...hope you enjoyed Cambodia, was it just Siem Reap you went to? So are you gonna head home with Darren or so Laos with Chez etc? Whatever you choose I hope you have a ball dude! I'm back in Delhi after a jaunt up to Kashmir...not sure if you know what's going on there, but it has its troubles, although I am still alive =D Obviously too precious to go yet =P I'll be home in less than 2 weeks, and you probably something similar, tooo exciting isn't it?! I'll right ya a huge email then, and get round to reading your ever-hilarious postcards from Kirstys Big Adventure! Much love, Sarah x x x
Kirsty D
Arrived safely in Bangkok for the second time after suffering rediculous departure taxes at the airport in Cambodia- grr. Rough nights sleep due to wafer thin walls in the hostel we're staying in- constant cuffuffle in the hallways making lotsa noise, but ah well, only a few more nights to bare it! Gona deticate today to some hardcore blogage so that I can attempt to get up to date asap. Still need to get my scarpbook done as well- so here goes!! xx
Hey we werent going to get the bus but everyone we spoke to assured us it was "part of the experience". K, been there done it and not doing it again were flying out of Cambodia!!! sáll good though I did infact get about 2 minutes sleep so everythings fine! Got to do laundry its true what kirsty said about the underwear situation n Ive none left either due mine being worn by both of us for the past week, unfortunately Im not that way inclinded to share Kirstys. anyway off to find a laundrette!xxx
Kirsty D
Arrived O.K-ish in Siem Reap, Cambodia, only 4 hours later than scheduled! The craziest bus journey I've ever taken- and my neck is pretty sore to prove the bumpiness! Would've loved to take a photo of the road- but my camera would more than likely have gotten smashed up! Poor Darren got a face full of mud twice along the way and I was sat next to the mental driver, not knowing if my leg was constantly jolting against him or the gear-stick. Nasty. Thinking this must be the poorest country I've been to yet, but Siem Reap is all built up for tourists so it's the bad mix of rediculous prices compared to the rest of the country- and lots of begging. Ankor Wat should be amazing tho- heading there tomorrow. Going to try to find somewhere to get laundry done now since I ran out of clean underwear about 5 days ago! xx
Kirsty D
Aw thanks guys. And Susy- yes indeed was an emotional final day! Darren and I are just getting ourselves sorted to move off on our travels again. We're off to Cambodia tomorrow to check out Ankor Wat. Should be exciting! Just put some more pics up of Sabah that I didn't get round to puting up earlier. Enjoy. there's more to come. xx
hey guys!!! I must say that on the postcards bit u have a very nice selection of countries that u hav visited!!! and with 2 more on the way! and u can also add Scotland too wen u get back!!!! So Scott and I are jetting off 2moro! less than 24 hours and we will be at the other side of the world from you - very weird! Its goin to totally confuse mum - with u being 7 hours ahead and us 7 hours behind!! fun!
So we will try to keep u updated of our travels! And Daz i will try to call you on ur bday but ur pressie is at home cos I am such a organised freak!!
See you both in September wen we get back!!!! seems so far away!
Love Kerry xx
Hi guys. Glad to hear you've upgraded youraccomadation. The other one sounded a trifle dodgy. 5 star eh! If you're going to do it, do it in style lol. Can't wait to read you're latest "blog". Take care and let us know where you're next port of call is whether its Cambodia or elsewhere.
Thanks Fiona for the message. Its a Mums job to worry even when we have such mature and sensible (?) kids !
Love Mandy (Mum) xxx
Aunty Susy
Yoo hoo. So sorry not to have been in touch for so long, but I have a new computer and all my old links were gone. I had supper with Rosie last night hand she sent me your web-site this morning. Anyway I have had so much to catch up with and have only finished the postcards at the school. I was nearly in tears at the last one. Anyway I hope all is well with the travels. CANT WAIT to see you. Aunty S.
Well we took your great advise and thought it to be very wise sooooo were in a 5 star hotel now and its just brilliant! still no internet there now! were in the village, about a 10 minute walk, and kirsty is (if she gets round to it) going to do her blog! So you can read it then! Glad to hear amplifico is all good! just lloking for flight details etc fo cambodia! will talk to y'all soon!xxx
John I'm with you on this one, but if you want another route to sell on try honey bunch models.
re: Old smelly shoes for sale