Little Kirsty Ventures to Pastures New
As you may have picked up on from my previous postcard- I've been in a bit of a storming mood today. Tis slowly wearing off, but only in the knowledge that I'm heading for KK tomorrow, and will soon be enjoying a nice huuge pizza at Little Italy after a long and painful wait. I know the weekend will pass in a second tho and I'll be straight back here- fun fun. Just feel like I've gota do this crappy teaching in order to gain the fun I get at the weekends. Wish I could spend more of my time out traveling and doing more of the amazing things we get to do out of school. But instead I gota stick it out for a week at a time. Tis poo. Bet you're all thinking- you ungrateful little botch- but seriously- its really no fun sitting in the same room looking at your calendar non stop- I mean non stop, waiting for the time to go by. But yeah, the stuff we do on the weekends is amazing- and it was nice to get out of the school for the bible study and to see Artina- but that's a small proportion of our time. Mostly we have the same monotonous routine of teaching torags- some of which are bearable. Admittedly my 4A class are quite calm but 1C are ...ahhhh.
I find myself constantly doing maths in my head. Like its 19 weeks to go till I finish teaching. So I'm like ¼ of the way there. Then in 2 weeks, I'll be 1/3 of the way there. Then I think, if I can just get through the next 3 weeks until the March hols, then I'm OK cos the hols will be banter, then mum+gran are coming out. So that would be March+April pretty much over. Then I'll have to cope alone for a few weeks in May until Rosie comes out but after that I should be OK cos I'll know the end is near.
I'm really hoping I'll start enjoying the teaching after I get to know the students better. But it's really hard when the last thing I wana be doing is what I have to do. I'm just really not cut out to be a teacher.
Wish I could help more with the deaf children but it just doesn't seem possible. So I'm communicating with them as much as poss outside school and I'm really looking forward to the Deaf Camp Aman and I are taking at the end of April.
Gona hopefully arrange a Scottish Day- or few days, where the classes make shortbread, I teach them how to country dance and I'll get them to write poems and we'll have a belated Rabbie Burns Day (since I was so busy I missed it a few weeks ago).
Just realized recently that I haven't mentioned the way I really feel about the teaching and the crapness etc but since this is my diary after all, I though I'd better include it.
Just gota get my act together and come up with some lesson plans that will get their attention and really need to find a room that's suitable to teach in.
Last night, Artina gave us Roti-chanai- like nan bread but better- the translation is Indian pancake. Twas just what I needed after a very puny dinner in the asrama (since the only thing on the menu was squid soaked in it's dye and vegetables with nice little bugs added for flavour.)
We watched a bit of American Idol and had a wee look at Artina's recent wedding pics- they were purdy. Her husband's called Disney, which is quite cute.
The view out of her kitchen is out over the paddy fields, with a bypass in the distance- reminded me of the road that passes beside Kirkliston.
Went home a bit early cos I couldn't keep my eyes open. Arrived back to find that the "Beast" had returned. Aman's screams always scare me a hell of a lot more than the bugs and insects!!
While I was asleep last night, I managed to subconsciously itch the skin off my toes on my left foot. They're really blistered and I already have loadsa old blisters and scabs on my feet from them mozzie bites and dodgie shoes. So I'm really hoping I'll be able to dive on Saturday. Don't know if I mentioned what Jeffery (dive instructor) said last weekend, but basically he majorly over exaggerated the state of my feet and covered my sores in brown stuff out of the dive centre's first aid kit and put plasters over some bits. He said that you can't dive with any infection. But they really were not infected in the slightest. So then when I got back to the school and removed the plasters, the scabs had gone all gooey and now they're taking ages to heal. So hopefully I can still go on Saturday! Sure it'll be dandy.
Found out the River Rapids on Sunday are grade 4, which is cool cos Aman said Grade 5 was pretty much unbearable when she went on them in New Zealand but I didn't want anything less than grade 4, so should be good.
Form 4A were quite relaxing to teach today- they just brought their guitars to play- some are pretty good. I'm thinking about buying a guitar out here and learning at last. Would mean I would have to sort my lesson plans out a bit in advance so that I could have time to practice in the evenings instead of planning lessons for the next day.
To cheer myself up today I looked at some oober posh hotels online for Singapore and KL. Can't wait to stay at the Maya Hotel in KL- gona be the best.
We've got one other bank holiday in May so I'm hoping to book cheap flights somewhere so hopefully Aman and I can go chill somewhere for 3 days.
I've moved one of my classes back a bit tomorrow so that Aman and I can set off for KK at earlier to book our flights to Singapore and hers to Thailand and mine to Vietnam.
Really craving Little Italy- Can't wait!!
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