We headed out from Southern Cross at 7am. It was a very cold morning. I explained to Sean that I didn't think the crowds would be out today given the cold, windy weather!
We were forced to pull over at one stage on the road when two over sized semi-trailers came through. Their cargo was a tray of a mining truck. They were massive and took over the two lanes of the Great Eastern Highway.
The 185km ride ended in Coolgardie. Again Sean had had the wind at his back and made great time.
We arrived in Coolgardie on Coolgardie Day. This might have been a downfall for us as it meant we couldn't get into the caravan park (the others had booked into a motel) and also the town didn't look it's best, with stalls and rides everywhere hiding some nice, old buildings.
We did our own cooking last night (us on our camper stove and them in the motor home) and enjoyed watching a bit of TV and Foxtel which they had in their motel rooms.
Another early night for them. We continued down the road a kilometer and set up at a roadside rest area. Another cold night and noisy due to the passing road trains.
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