Good day.
I had a really hard time getting out of bed. It's just so dark in the morning. I got a letter from Shea, including royalty themed Silly Bandz, and a Halloween card from Mom, telling me about a spooky surprise I'll be getting on Friday. It was really nice to get those.
Work today wasn't too bad. I did a couple different tasks and we got out a little early.
I went to the store to try to find yellow cake mix and pumpkin but apparently those items don't exist in this country (along with chocolate chips). It's really getting in the way of my fall baking plans.
Ellie and I went to Leicester Square to see a movie but it was sold out. The whole place was super crowded for a Wednesday. So then we wandered back slowly, doing some window shopping on the way.
I videochatted with Kevin for a short bit when I got back. It was nice to talk to him, first time we've had a chance to in quite a while. It was great to hear about the colleges he's been looking at.
Now I gotta go to bed. I've been so tired this week.
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