Not an exciting day today.
I slept in the basically watched tv, ate food and organized my room for the entire day. I sorted through my receipts, brochures and gifts to make sure everything was in order. I am right on budget this week including some future travel plans paid for already (transport to and from Paris and Barcelona). I had been over budget for a few weeks so I'm glad to be back on track. It certainly makes me feel a little more comfortable.
I videochatted with Stacy a couple different times talking about Brighton, Paris and Barcelona. We have our hotel in Brighton and the hotel at Heathrow booked for our trip in December. I am so excited to be going to all of these places, I just wish it was sooner.
The heat in our flat is very strange. It appears that the radiators in the bedrooms aren't on (or if they are it is so low that you can't tell). The toilet feels warm when you enter but the radiator is cold. In the living room one radiator is off while the other is on rather high - it is almost too hot to touch. It is all so uneven. At least the one that is on high isn't the one in my bedroom. I'm hot enough as it is when I'm sleeping. I just wish we had some way to control it other than fans and closing doors (windows are no help since only 2 windows in our entire flat can open and only open a couple inches).
I'm watching Harry Potter now, seeing some of the settings in a new light (both in London and at Hogwarts).
I should be going off to bed now.
Look on the message board for a link to my facebook photos for those of you who still aren't on.
- comments
Chao Zhu It is so hot in the flat and no hot water!!!!