Life in Oz!
My last day here, it still hasn't sunk in yet but I think its better that way. Richard was here by about 10 and we sat down by the pool for a while in the warm sun and then headed off the Mooloolaba. We decided it was a great day for a BBQ since it started to rain really hard as we were on the motorway. It had pretty much stopped by the time we got to the beach but it is still pretty cloudy and looks like it might rain at any time which it usually does; we never get one rain shower, it usually rains off for an entire day. We found Charlene and her mates who had just gotten out of the water. We didn't know any of them but she said Kate and her fiancé Dean were on their way. Richard and I played catch with the rugby ball and he taught me how to throw and kick it, I definitely need more practice. Kate and Dean ended up being the only other people we knew and the rest of Charlene's mates were all around 18, so Kate, Dean, Richard and I mainly hung out together. The others were playing cricket so I stood around trying to look like I knew what I was doing. I decided to take a try at batting which proved to be entertaining for Charlene and Kate as I tried batting baseball style instead of swinging more golf-like. The bat was heavier than I expected but I still managed to hit a few balls. It was getting nice and sunny out and we decided we wanted to get in the water anyway. Richard and I went with Kate and Dean to Kate's parents surf shop so the boys could get some boardies (board shorts). I expect to be swimming so I skipped the swimmers again but Richard brought me back to change. I tried calling Joanna to see if she wanted to come with but I couldn't get a hold of her. While waiting for Richard to come back Jeremy showed up so I was able to talk to him for a bit and say good-bye. He was working on moving out as well so it is going to be just Ema and Alissa for a while. We made it back to the beach and started a game of touch footy. Dean, Kate and I vs Richard, Charlene and one of her friends. We should have know the sun would be too good to be true because it didn't take long for it to start raining again. It wasn't going to get in the way of our game though so we kept playing and it soon cleared up a bit again. I didn't really know what I was doing so I ran around and pretended which seamed to work since we were winning. Kate and I decided that it was time to get in the water so we ended the amazing game of beach touch footy we had going. The water was a bit cold at first but wasn't bad after we got used to it (read: went numb). The waves were pretty good so I enjoyed my last time in the water at Mooloolaba beach. It was just Kate and I in the water at first until Richard came in for a bit and then turned around. Once he convinced Dean to get in they both came out but Dean didn't last long. Charlene and one of her friends eventually came out as well. I eventually got too clod to stay in any longer and was forced to get out. My towels were wet and in the dryer at my apartment so I stood on the beach hoping the wind would dry me fast so I could put clothes on. My arms were red when I got out, they might have been irritated from the salt or I was just that cold, I'm not sure. We all talked on the beach for a bit and then wondered up to the picnic area. We invited everyone to a movie later tonight but most are going back to Brisbane so it looks like it might just be Kate, Dean, Richard and I. Not sure what we are going to see or at what time so Richard will just stop but and pick me up. I called Joanna as soon as I got back to my apartment and invited her along to the movie. She isn't sure if she is going to come or not because she wants to go to church for the last time here. I want to go as well but I have no idea when Richard is coming so I decided I better not. As I was getting off the phone with Joanna Matilda stopped by and I helped her try to decide what she wants to do after she gets back from the Whitsundays next week. I got ready, talked to her and then we made pancakes for dinner since we never got to make them for breakfast like we had planned. Joanna called me back when it was time to leave for church and decided she wanted to come with to the movie instead. Just as we were finishing our pancakes, Richard came. I had him call Joanna as I cleaned up and promised Matilda I would stop over after the movie because she didn't want to come with. We ended up meeting Kate and Dean in the car park and after looking at our choices, we decided we wanted to see The Break Up. It was pretty good. I was hoping we would all hang out longer after even though I have all of my packing to do yet but we didn't. Richard dropped us off and said he would stop by later to say goodbye. It was around 9 when we got back and I figured I had better start making my rounds to say goodbye. I first went to Joanna's to get her pictures and then headed to Karen's. She by Fallon which worked out well because I had to see her anyway. I talked to them for a bit and then decided I had better move on. Next stop was Matilda. She wanted to write me a goodbye letter so I went to Bettina's apartment to see her and Katherine. I wasn't there long before I went back to Matilda's. Once the letter was finished I said goodbye to Emeline and Matilda walked to my apartment with me. Joe lives under me so he was my next stop. It was getting late so I didn't stay long. I went back to my apartment but got lonely and went to talk to Joanna. I was also waiting for Brendan to get back so it wasn't completely a bad excuse not to pack. Brendan was finally in his room when I stopped by again. It was after midnight when I got back to my room and I hoped Richard hadn't stopped by and I missed him. It took me all night to back because I was taking my time and just didn't want to be bothered to do it. I had to turn in my keys which was sad but I got $40 for them. 4am kept getting closer and closer and it was finally time to leave my room.
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