Life in Oz!
When I checked the Uni website last night they said that the Uni might be closed today because the weather was supposed to get bad. When I woke up it looked fairly nice out so I knew I didn't get lucky. I wouldn't have minded not having to go to class today since it is my long day. I had my politics tutorial at 9am but had to go to the library first to print off my notes for the politics lecture I had right after at 10. The tute was ok, I'm not excited at bout the 10 minute presentation I have to give comparing the electoral system used to elect the House of Representatives with that used to elect the Senate and the advantages and disadvantages of each system but hopefully I will meet some people and understand politics when the course is over. The first half of the lecture was boring and I barely stayed awake but then after our break I sat with Malinda and stayed awake the whole time. She gave me a ride back to UniCentral since it was raining a little bit. I ate lunch, checked my email and saw that the Fraser Island trip tickets were available to pick up so I tried to find some people and see when they wanted to go. Fraser Island is a popular trip; it is free for international students and is the whole weekend. Joanna and I walked to class together, I saw Whittney from my Applications in Social and Community Work group and talked to her for a few minutes before the lecture started. The lecture was alright but the two hours got really long again. I have my tutorial for it right after the lecture. We formed groups in the tute too. I am in a group with Charlene, who is also in my
Applications group, two of her friends, Jamie and Kate and Richard who is a science major but is in this class for some unknown reason. He seemed pretty lost when we were doing our discussion which was pretty funny. He lives near Varsity Apartments so we walked back together until UniCentral. He is a really nice guy we were comparing MN to Australia the whole way back. In the tutorial he picked me out as American right away because apparently I have a very American accent. When I got back from my tute I called Matilda to see if she wanted to make tea (supper/dinner/evening meal- whatever you want to call it). She came over and we made spaghetti, it was really good, nice to have a real meal for once. We hung out, just talked for a while, and then walked around to see if anyone was going to the Tavern despite all of the rain. There were a few people going but Matilda decided not too. I decided I wanted to go so I grabbed a few things and got on the bus hoping some people I knew would be on it as well. There was no one when I got on but a few minutes later Marie and Carole came. Whittney and a few of her friends got to the Tavern right after we did and I ended up hanging out with them most of the night. It was fun to hang out with Whittney and a few other random people but it wasn't as fun as it usually was. I left about 1:15 because I was really tired and Whittney had left already as well.
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