Life in Oz!
I woke up at 7:30 for some unknown reason today. I was going to go back to bed but figured I better not get used to sleeping long hours at night. It was a day of firsts. I finally left UniCentral to get some food. They had a free shuttle bus running from 1-5 to Woolworths grocery store and back. I met a girl that goes to Concordia Moorhead so now there are officially a whole lot of people from the NDSU/MSUM/Concordia area. I also met 2 guys, one from Washington D.C. and the other was from North Carolina. I got to Woolworths and found a few things to eat but I couldn?t get much because I had to carry it all up the 3 flights of steps to my room. I came back and put my groceries away so I could finally eat lunch and then headed back to the shopping center. Receipt = Docket. I went over to The Warehouse, pretty much like Wal-Mart but many things were even cheaper, they didn?t have as much selection though and no clothes. By the time I got back, it was just before 4:45; when the bus driver said he would be departing for the last time. I waited until 5:15 and never saw the bus, I realized when I got back my watch was about 5 minutes behind. Lesson learned: never go anywhere with out a bus schedule or map. There were four Japanese girls that were waiting for the bus too so we decided to grab a trolly (shopping cart) and make the trek back; it took us about a ? hour. I got a good work out doing it too. I was pushing the trolly, not a big deal but the wheels turn anyway so you can push it sideways?which makes it hard to steer in the first place, then add in the fact that all of the sidewalks are slanted towards the street and the thing gets hard to push! Especially when there are a couple of things of orange juice and a 5 litre jug of laundry soap. By the time we left, there was a fair amount of cloud cover so at least the sun wasn?t beating down on us, but it was still at least 82 degrees. As I was sitting here I suddenly heard something outside and realized out of nowhere it started to downpour, you would think the temperature would start to cool down then?but so far that is a negative. Send a Fargo breeze this way please. Cooling off at night means it might get down to 77. I now know why they need those slanted sidewalks?it has been raining hard, as in complete downpour, for almost 2 hours now. It?s weird to think that as I am finishing my journal and getting ready to post it and go to bed that you are all ready to get up and start your Friday as I end mine. So, I guess that means I can predict your day? try something new, don?t forget your map and brace yourself for a blizzard. ;)
I have added more pictures of my apartment to the UniCentral photo album.
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