Life in Oz!
I woke up a few times during the night because my head was cold, I had to burry myself in my blanket to keep warm. I felt like I was at home with socks, sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt on for p.j.'s and still cold! I had to wear my jumper (sweatshirt) to class. Although the sun felt really hot the air still felt cold, it was a weird feeling. I guess it's the same as at home in winter, if you stand in the sun long enough you start to warm up but the air is still really cold around you. We didn't really talk about anything interesting in the tute, but I guess that's nothing new there but at least we didn't have to listen to a presentation. We did a review in class and he gave us some exam tips, which should help for our final next Thursday. We were done an hour early, which was fantastic. I talked to Katherine, her boyfriend Justin and Bettina who were sitting outside having coffee. I was going to go to the library and check my e-mail but decided that walking back to UniCentral with Bettina was a better idea. Joanna and I walked to class together for the last time. Didn't want to go to the tute but figured I should since it's the last one. She gave us a few more exam tips so I guess it was good I went. Matilda came over around 9pm and we talked for a while and debated about going to the Tavern or not. We decided to go to the bus about 9:30 but it was way too early and no one was there yet so we came back to my apartment, ate ice cream and talked some more. We couldn't decide if we wanted to still go but finally at 10:30 we left for the bus again. We were too late to get stamped to get in free so after debating on the bus for a few minutes we figured it probably didn't pay since we didn't plan on staying very long anyway. So we got off the bus and both of us went back to our apartments to go to bed.
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