Life in Oz!
I can't believe it is June already! Time has gone soooo fast it is ridiculous. The start of exams means that most people in UniCentral will be starting to go home soon and that is very sad. By the time I got up, ready and ate breakfast I didn't feel like studying much so I watched Ellen instead to relax before my exam at 2pm. Exams are done heaps different here. It is more serious and professional. Every lecture takes the exam at the same time in an auditorium of the Innovation Centre. We got a number when we went in the door and had to find our seat according to that. Tables were set up so we weren't sitting as far away from people as I thought we would but it was enough room to be able to work. Directions were read and we had to fill out an attendance sheet with our name, student number, class info and that fun stuff. We then had 10 minutes perusal time to look through our test and make notes on a scratch piece of paper but couldn't write on our tests; haven't really figured out the purpose of this time yet but whatever. We then had 2 hours to complete the exam. It was 12 multiple-choice questions and 9 short answer but we only had to answer 3 of them. It took me until 3:45 to finish because I read one of the short answer questions wrong and therefore was answering it wrong and had to start over when I was almost finished writing it. I think I did ok; I should have at least passed. When you finish the test, you have to raise your hand and they come, collect it and make sure you did everything correctly before you can leave. I talked to Kim and Jane who were in my tutorial for a few minutes outside after I finished and then Linda came so I talked to her until she went a different way to catch the bus. I came back here and called Mathilda to see what was happening tonight for Bettina's birthday. They had already made plans to eat dinner together so I ate here and got ready I went over to Bettina's apartment about 7:30. There were a decent amount of people there, we hung out, took heaps of pictures and got in line for the bus to the Tavern. There were heaps of people in line so it took 3 buses before we got on. The Tavern was pretty full, hard to move anywhere. It was alright, have had better nights there. Matilda's roommate, Emalene, and I were tired so we took the 1am bus back.
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