Life in Oz!
Happy Birthday Betty!! It was another early morning. We had to be at the bus stop by 7:15 so we could go to the Australia Zoo. Dani lives in the same complex and me so I met here outside of her apartment. While waiting I saw Sara so I started talking to her and walked to the bus stop with her instead. Once Keise arrived, we headed off to the bus stop. Sara told us about her weekend. One of her German friends was here and she had stayed with an Australian family a few years ago and was going to visit them so she invited Sara along. They lived in Gympie, which is about 2 hours north of here. They had a huge garden with all sorts of things in it; most of their meal came from the garden. They went to a drive-in theatre, which Sara though was really cool. On the way to the bus stop, we saw more kangaroos in the same place as yesterday. We got breakfast at the Alexandra Head Surf Club. The club is very colourful on the outside and very nice on the inside. It was a buffet; it was alright, not the best meal I ever had though. We were done eating a long time before everyone even got through the line. There are about 500 international students this semester, I'm not sure how many came on the trip but there were four charter buses. We had a little time to look at the beach before we parted for the zoo. It was pretty, just like the rest of them! There were some good waves and I saw a few surfers. I think it took us about a ½ hour to get to the zoo. We were on our own and got to do whatever we wanted until 4pm. Sara, Keise and I hung out the whole day and it was a lot of fun, but very hot, it was probably over 30. We saw Harriett the 175 year old tortoise and some crocodiles before we headed to the crocoseum for the shows. They started with the snakes, they were ok, but not the most exciting. Then was the Sumatra Tigers, the were cool but it was too hot so they weren't very active, they did get them to jump and play a little bit though. Then they let the birds loose which was fun because they flew all over the crocoseum, right over everyone's heads, but it was hard to get good pictures because they were always moving. After all of that came the big croc show. Steve is wrestling crocs somewhere up north so we had to take some other guy. It wasn't exciting as I thought it would be, they only had one croc out and he swam around most of the time. I did get some good pictures of him jumping up to get meat. After the shows, we got some ice cream and wondered around to various exhibits. We found a shuttle bus that took us out to the elephant exhibit, we also saw the cheetahs and bird aviary. Then came the fun part, we walked through the kola part and got to pet one! Very soft and cuddly. Then it was on to the kangaroos. They were all just laying around in the shade and you could walk up to them and pet them! I even fed one with some food I found on the ground, you could buy the food pellets but I wasn't sure where to do it. At 2pm I got to do the coolest thing ever. I held a KOLA!!! You could get your picture taken with one so I did it. It was only A$15; I figured it would be more expensive. I didn't get to hold it very long but it was definitely worth it. I got a 6X8" picture and Sara took some for me as well. It weighed about the same as a baby that size. I had to wait a ½ hour before I could go pick up my picture so we went to eat lunch. It was nice and cool up there because they had fans going that sprayed mist into the air. We sat up there taking for a while and then headed to the gift shop until it was time to leave. I was really exhausted by the time we got back but really hot as well so I met Sara, Keise, Shane and Martin in the pool for a while. I then went back to my room to attempt to work on more journals but I was too tired and went to bed at 10pm, I think I also took a nap from 9-10.
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