Life in Oz!
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- Oceania
Location Date Northern Territory 1152054000 Western Australia 1150844400 Queensland 1150585200 New South Wales 1147647600 Queensland -
Location Date Usc 1150585200 Moreton Island 1149980400 Gold Coast 1149894000 Whitsunday Islands 1145574000 Bundaberg 1144537200 Eumundi 1144191600 Fraser Island 1142121600 Bribie Island 1140220800 Brisbane -61972473600 Usc -
22 Feb 2006
I don't have class today! I was still up by 9:30 because of the sun. It is light by about 5am here so I usually wake up around 7 or 8 just because and then I have to go back to sleep, it's kind of annoying. I did some laps again for something to do and then worked on editing my pictures so I can finally get them online. I also realized that local calls aren't free here. I tried to call the bank help line so I could use online banking and my phone wouldn't work. I mentioned it to the desk and they said I needed to put money on my phone for it to work, I decided not to and found someone with a mobile but I won't be able to receive any calls from outside of UniCentral either, strange. I was bored all day and finally my Swedish friend Matilda called me to see if I wanted to do something because she was bored too. I went to her apartment to watch a movie but we couldn't because one of her roommates was there and his friends were over and being loud. We walked around UniCentral for a while and talked to a few people and when they left we made some spaghetti and tried to watch Sweet Home Alabama but we couldn't figure out how to get the VCR to work so we watched My Bosses Daughter on DVD instead. I was really glad she called me, we got to talk a lot and it gave me something to do. It spontaneously rains here, throughout the day it would just start pouring pretty much out of nowhere and then stop a few minutes later, and then a while later it would start to pour again. I'm still trying to figure that one out.
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