Life in Oz!
Happy Valentines Day! Yes, they have it here too and it is commercialized but it didn't seem quite as bad as in the states. I went to a Note Taking Skills workshop at 10 but it was boring and not much help. I really like how they do orientation here because there are many different things going on but you can pick and chose as to what you would like to attend. I then went to an intro the library session; it was somewhat interesting, now I know what they have to offer and where to go to get what I need. I was going to go to an into to the USC network but I forgot you had to sign up and the class was full. So instead I went to the BBQ with Joanna, whom I hung out with last night, and her friend Fallon who is from UND...imagine that, someone else from ND/MN! We were really hot so we decide the pool was sounding really good. I hadn't put any sunscreen on before I went to Uni because I knew I wouldn't be spending that much time in the sun but I could tell I was getting red already and I was only in it for about a ½ hour. The pool felt great and I didn't want to get out. I talked to the Irish guy (Alan) and some other people I had met the night before and then Sara, Martin, Shane and Nate came. I finally got out after about 2 ½ - 3 hours, which was about 1 ½ - 2 hours too long. My shoulders and arms are pretty red but the lines were from the shirt I was wearing at the Uni and not from the pool. I was really tired when I got back, I think I got way too much sun, I tried to take a nap but I'm still really tired and really red. I think I might have to go to bed early tonight and not hang out with anyone. Sad.
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