Life in Oz!
I was up early to catch the bus to Nambour so I could research the history of Buderim for my walking sites class. I got the 9am bus so I was there by 9:30 which wasn't too bad. I asked directions to the library and a librarian directed me to the historical section. I found lots of useful information and was there till just after 2:30. I was too late to get on the 2:30 bus so I had an hour to wonder around and to find the bus stop. I wanted a pie for lunch so I stopped at a small bakery but none looked good so I bought a cheap chocolate and peppermint thing instead, which I found out later wasn't very tasty either. Subway was near so it was my lunch instead. I wasn't sure where the closest bus stop was so I went back to the train station which was only a few blocks away anyway. I met a really nice lady waiting for the bus who was going to Uni as well. She was a mature-aged student and knew some of the people in my walking sites class. We found lots of things to talk about so it was an interesting bus ride back. I sat outside the library to eat my sandwich, a bit soggy after almost an hour and then went inside to check my mail and look for Buderim pictures. I found lots, almost everything I need. I had some extra time so I tried to find the cheapest way to the airport and cheap hostels in Sydney. I talked to Fallon and she said Karen is coming with so now there will be 6 of us. I stopped by Kate's room to see if anyone wanted to meet tonight to talk about if we wanted to book a hostel before we got there or not. I made it back in time for Big Brother. We aren't meeting tonight because Fallon and Brendan are busy. I watched the tellie with Emma for awhile and then decided to work on writing my Buderim story. I actually got it done which was amazing, I'm glad its done otherwise it would have been Tuesday before I would have gotten to work on it again and it wouldn't have been as fresh in my head.
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