Life in Oz!
I met Linda, Isabell and Ulie at 9:10 so we could catch the bus to Alex for our surf lessons! Our lessons only started at 11 but there were no other buses that would get us there before then so we were forced to lay on the beach until it was time. Some of the other girls that were taking the lessons found us and told us we were going to Mooloolaba beach instead. That was a good thing because the waves were really big at Alex. One of the instructors brought us over to the other beach in a van and showed us where to go. There was another class still in the water so we had to wait until they were done. We got wet shirts and then had to sign in. Linda, Isabell, Ulie and I were in a group together with one instructor and the other girls were in 2 groups of 3. Our instructor showed us how to stand on our boards on land and made sure we did it properly before we headed out into the water. The waves were still pretty big here but they didn't seem quite as bad. It was hard to get out into the area where we were supposed to be. Once you got to where the waves were breaking a big one would take you out and bring you half way back into shore and you would have to start all over again. The instructor held onto our board and would give us a good push as a wave came to get us going. I almost did it! I was half way up but could never get my balance quick enough to stand all the way up before I was back into shore and fell off my board. Linda and Isabell were able to stand a few times so it was awesome to see them do it. I only got to try about 4 or 5 times before we had to go back in. Our instructor said it was the hardest conditions to learn in because it was low tide and the waves were breaking as a wall instead of gently like they do during high tide. The instructor was impressed by my enthusiasm to keep going. We got smashed pretty good by some huge waves and he said a lot of people would have given up by then but I was having a blast. I got hit and tumbled around pretty good a few times where all you could do was cover your head and hope your board didn't hit you. I was only knocked out once for about 5 minutes and then was back in the water. So it wasn't that bad, I only ended up with one pretty good bruise on my arm from when the board probably hit me. Everyone else thinks it's worse than I do. We got a BBQ lunch after which was a burger, apple and a drink. We had an hour before the first bus back to the Uni so we were again forced to go lay on the beach and take a nap. A few clouds came and the wind got a bit chilly so Ulie and I decided to come back to Uni and maybe attempt to be productive. Of course that wasn't the case, I was lazy until I met Isabell and Anja, yet another German, to watch a movie. We decided to watch one of mine and since they are from the US they don't work in some DVD players. We ended up coming back here and met Linda at the gate. Emma had some friends over so we moved on to Linda's apartment to watch the movie there. My movie didn't work there either so we watched one that Anja picked up from the library. It was a good relaxing night.
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