Life in Oz!
I couldn't get to sleep for some reason last night so when I got up at 9 I was still really tired. I did some laps in the pool to try to wake up and then I hurried to make sure I got on the 11am bus. I went to Buderim for the day to do research for my Cultural Heritage Tours class. I started out at the information centre because it was the first thing I saw that would help me. The people there were very nice and let me look at a binder with some history of Buderim and the surrounding Maroochy area in it. It gave me ideas of what sort of historic places were there so it was a good start. I then headed to the Pioneer Cottage, which used to be the home of one of the first settlers in Buderim. I had found info about it on the internet because it is also there historical society but I didn't know where it was. The Cottage was very interesting; they still have many of the original things that were in the house and a ton of other stuff that has been donated throughout the years. The guy that was working when I got there didn't know much about the house because he had just started but the main lady who runs it came back later and helped me a lot. They have folders with information about all of the cultural spots in town, I had 90 to choose from. The sites ranged from some of the settlers first homes to various trees that a certain person planted. I started looking through the folders and found about 15 sites I wanted to look at and now I think I have my sites narrowed down to about 9 or 10 (I need 10). I stayed there until about 3pm when they closed. I had to wait until close to 4 until a bus would be coming so I found a little bakery and got a meat pie. I was going to take the bus to Sunshine Plaza and do some shopping quick before it closed at 5:30 but the bus was almost 20 minutes late and the one that was going to the Uni came just before the Plaza one so I came back here instead. I hung around in my apartment for a while and then Joanna called and asked if I wanted to go to Chancellor Tavern for Karen's birthday. Karen is from New York and it is her 21st birthday today. Wednesday nights the tavern has a free shuttle bus that will come, pick us up, and bring us back to UniCentral. It was nice inside; it was the first time I had been there. There were only a few other people in the tavern and then the 15 of us but she still had a good time. I was somewhat bored because I now have a cold and I was tired anyway.
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