Life in Oz!
Getting up early was a struggle since I stayed up so late last night and was tired to begin with. It was worth it just to walk to the bus stop though. Just before campus on the footpath from UniCentral were 6-8 kangaroos eating grass right on the trail! It was awesome to get so close to them since they are wild. I didn't get any pictures because I was still eating my Nutella sandwich for breakfast...yes they have Nutella, another reason to love Australia! A few other people did though so as soon as I get those pictures I will post them with the rest. We got on the bus at 7 and arrived at Landsborough around 7:20. We only had 6 minutes to catch our train to Caboolture but it wasn't a problem to do so. The train took about 45 minutes (I think, not really sure) to get to Caboolture but it was kind of scenic along the way. It was rural and we drove past the Glasshouse Mountains. The mountains look out of place because they are just suddenly there, its not really hilly or anything, its just a few mountains that decided to form I guess. They got their name from one of the explorers of Australia, Cook I believe, he gave them their name because of the way they looked when the sun set/rose. We had almost an hour wait before catching the bus to the island so we sat on picnic tables by a little outdoor bakery shop. It was close to 30 degrees already and it was only around 8am! guys can't complain at home...its only 30 here too, ok, so it's in C and not F but still it's not my fault you all decided to stay home! ;) 30C is about 85-86F, an easy one to remember is 28 = 82. The bus ride to Bribie Island took about another 20-30 minutes. Crossing the bridge to the island was pretty because you could see the Glasshouse Mountains in the distance on one side and on the other was the ocean. We didn't know exactly what we wanted to do besides see some dolphins so we got off at the second stop by the tourist information centre. We talked to the ladies in the centre and they told us we could go to a beach on the ocean side that was very nice but the dolphins were usually on this side in the bay and by the bridge. We also wanted to explore the bush on the island but you had to have a 4-wheel drive to do that. To get to the beach we could either get back on the bus or take a bike. Some other tour guy came in the mean time and said to take a bike would be fairly expensive and would take a good hour to get across the island. We got back on the bus and headed for Woorim where the beach was located. We were finally at the beach! And it was about 9:30, it took us about 2 ½ hours by bus and train to what would have been about 30-40 minutes by car, it's the experience that counts I guess. Did I mention that we were at the beach?!? I could finally go swimming in the OCEAN! I was very excited and it was awesome. Had to get used to the nasty salt taste but it was definitely worth it. The waves weren't too big but there were a few larger ones coming in. We went out far enough so that rose and fell with them instead of getting trampled by them. We then walked along the beach for a while trying to find some WWII stuff one man said was along the beach when I asked him what to do on this side of the island. We never found it but it was a pretty walk. I laid in the sun for a little bit but in fear of getting fried to a crisp again I didn't stay at the beach for very long. Ursula, Dani and I decided to explore the city. We first stopped and got an ice cream because it was really hot. We wondered around for a while, looked in a few shops, and then stopped at a small bakery to get a sandwich. They had small tables outside where we could sit and eat. We wondered around a bit more and then headed back to the beach. The rest of the girls were out of the water by then and we decided to catch the bus back to the other side of the island to hopefully see some dolphins. We had to wait a little while for the next bus so we just sat in the shade and relaxed, we were all really tired from the day. When we headed back to the other side of the island Linda, Marie and Caroline decided they wanted to go to Woolworths and Matilda, Ursula, Dani and I headed for the bridge area. We didn't see any dolphins but it was a very pretty area and we found a nice picnic table in the shade to relax and just talk. It was time to head back to Caboolture. This time we didn't have as long to wait for the train but we had long enough to go back to the bakery and have a snack. I got a blueberry cheesecake, it was very rich and tasty but a little expensive. Most of us slept on the train ride back and there wasn't much to do during out 20 minute wait for the bus at Landsborough. We left the island at 2 or 2:30 and were back to the Uni at about 4:30. I was exhausted so I hung out in my room trying to catch up on my journals and went to bed at 9:30 completely exhausted. It was a good day.
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