Today I spent 4 hours with what you could call an inside water blaster, with a difference. It's a steam cleaner OMG I want one. It cleaned the wall tiles up beautifully so I thought might as well wash all the draws and cupboards – mmm well they weren't dark brown in colour after all but a beautiful golden colour, it ripped all the black built up grease and grim off them with hardly any effort, it cleans, curtains, floors amazing amazing its mad by the Italians its bright red with their flag on it of course. A satisfying morning. This afternoon I thought I had better get in the car and go for a drive and get use to it as Rod doing all the driving and that doesn't seem fair. I went to Istre a smallish village with the intention of getting a few tourist maps and maybe some cycle trails that we can ride while we are here. Well........ I got there – I never found the tourism office, kept going the wrong way trying to get out of the town – its strange driving on the other side you have to switch your brain for changing gear, indicating – keep the passenger in the gutter, (its a great saying to keep you on the right side of the road) you turn the wipers on instead of indicators, freakout at roundabouts, glad I'm not in Italy as I would have got yelled at today for sure haa haa. so mission was achieved in as far as driving the car.
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