Mmmm its been an interesting 5 days, Rod has worked really hard putting up a fence for our helpx hosts, worked more than is necessary and we have dined with cats on the table. There are 2 Burmese and 2 moggies, there is a class system too, only the Burmese are allowed to dine with us. Apparently they like to be on table you know so they can look at you, not much fun wandering around ones feet. So up on the table wandering from one end to the other and sometimes settling down to wash their bums while you are trying to eat your dinner - mmmm not my scene, really struggling with this, I put them down and they just get back up. I remember training my Burmese with a water pistol so he never sat his butt on any table!!! Its all about the cats - one question I really had to laugh at was do you think the cats will hurt themselves on the fence posts Rod??? Rod took his work clothes off this evening and said - that's the last helpx - I think really because actual appreciation goes along way.
So no bike riding, thunderstorms and erratic rain, sunshine and fence posts has pretty much been the week. I'm feeling withdraws from not biking, the excitement every morning and getting up with a goal in mind and achieving it. Our self contained Gite is wonderful and a real haven
We did go out one afternoon to a town named Saint Foy La Grande that surprised us by having so many shops and restaurants were closed and empty - maybe a sign of the hard times. The river was lovely and we wandered along, we saw lots of big trout & dog s***!! We were feeling quite flat - the first time since being away so lets have an espresso and a treat from the Boulangerie to cheer us up - and yep it did the trick.
Tomorrow we are heading to Saint Emillion - so maybe some wine tasting by bike.......
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