It's 10:30pm over here and i am mega stresse!!
We just found out that we are going sailing tomorrow with Damian on the public holiday which is fab and i went to pack our day bag, onlt to find Iian has lost his walle!!!
I have told hime so many times to not keep all our cards in the same place but did he listen - no!!
So he has lost his driving licence, 2 visa cards, australian bank card and british bank card and only that put he had a post-it stuck to one of the visas with his long on details and account details!!
Can't believe it!
Meant to be picking up our car on friday and need visa and driving licence for it!
He thinks it might be at work so Damian has just driven him there just now but i don't think he'll be able to get in at this time of night as it'll have alarms on and because of this public holiday tomorrow it's closed!
So hope he can get in or we're well and truely up s**** creek!
My visa card only has 500 pound limit so can't do anything with it and i don't know how long it will take for him to get new ones issued to UK then to his mums and then over here - not good atall!! And drving licence - that'll take forever!!
Very worried - Mr unorganised!!!
Oh well he's not back from his trip to work yet but will keep u updaed.....why don't men listen to their wives when they give good advice (ie don't keep all valuables in 1 place!!??).........
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