Morning all!
Well it's 8:50am over here and we;ve done our run. Had to cycle 5km to get there, did the 7km race and cycled 5km back! About 25 runners did the 7km and loads more did the 14km race but Iain did the 7km in 31:34 (came 5th guy and 6th overall) and i came in at 34:12 (3rd women and got my name read out again and 8th overall) - not too bad for a 6:30am start!
We had planned to ae nice veggie sausages and beans on toast for brekkie but i put the sausages in and asked Iain to watch them while i jumped in the shower but he forgot and burnt the lost - i am not impressed as starved and no shops open yet to buy anything!
Think we;re off to buy bikes today too as wouldn't be able to get to the other races without them and probably worth the money even for 3 months as it'll save on bus passes - going to Big W as they're cheap!
One quick note which (mum) you will understand - the chocolate is not good over here - everything is Cadbury ad they have a Cadbury factory in New Zealand so i thought it would be good (better than the Hershey chocolate u get in the USA) but it's rotten - tastes nothing like Cadbury - only things that are good are Milky bars, Kitkats and that's about it!! They do have the big bars of Lindt tho which i may have to try and see if it tastes like it does back home!
Oh well i will go and have my glass of water for brekki mmm mmmm......
C xxx
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