Hello All,
Well I said I would visit again so for my second log as captain Kirk on the starship Brisbane Galactica here is today’s entry.
Firstly I have to expand on the burnt sausage story. I was asked to look out for it but in my defense I was born with the Ormiston family characteristic off being able to talk for Scotland and this resulted in my forgetting about the breakfast. However I could also say that it was a plot to have two breakfasts to overcome getting up at 5:45 in the morning.
A champion runner like myself needs his food!!!
We borrowed our flat mates bikes to get to the race. Only thing is I have the most painful butt cheeks as I am not used to all this exercise and riding bikes all day long. Where is my Ford focus when I need it.
Charlotte and I went to the Roma Street parklands where we were going to sunbath and plan our adventure whilst in Brisbane. Only thing is the weather is colder than Scotland and it was going to Rain so we lasted 20 minutes. We will need to go back again.
If I was a betting man I think that you all will have better tans back home than I do right now. My lotion is about to expire so if anyone needs it let me know, as I have no use for it right now!!!!!
Later on we went to a suburb called new farm to a stand up comedy show with some flat mates. It was a lot of fun and even C got the jokes first time and I didn't need to do the explaining. However one of the stories was so funny it mention your female partner and how they never get a film and always ask questions it made me laugh and think of Charlotte and my Mum as they both the worlds worst at asking Me/Dad what’s happening.
The Comedy was free so all we needed was to buy our drinks. On the way home we got on our first ferry trip called the City Cat so I am no longer called the Virgin City Cat rider. I think that’s a good thing. The sites were amazing and still it was extremely cold.
Had Chinese for dinner at 10 O'clock and by this time I was shattered. I felt like I never went to bed when I got up for work this morning, I was so tired that I started hallucinating as when C and I were walking to work I seen an Eskimo with sun glasses walking towards us. Told you it was cold!!!!
Lots has happened at work, the folk are great and welcomed me in. They have even asked to extend my working contract. Have the first work due on the 20th, so should be fun at 80p a pint. I have found a guy at work and he plays in a Soccer team, He has asked me along so I might come the new Pele (I right) of a team called Elsavador, which is full off South American Amateur players. I'll see how it goes.
Oh yeah I have a new found Tom Tom device that you use in your cars for direction. Mines is called charlotte and she tells me which bus to get on from time to time. Only she malfunctioned tonight so we ended up down a motorway that didn't even go to our bus stop. A nice bus driver let us on for nothing to make our way back. He must have being thinking silly foreigners, where I was thinking my Tom Tom isn't working right.
Never mind I still love her lots.
Well off for my Tea and biscuits to keep me warm. At least for the the last 10 minutes my fingers have been warm typing.
Forecast for Saturday. Hot hot Hot!!!!!
Plans: Party with Flat mate and Barbie, Oz Zoo to see the crocs and stuff that can kill and then a place called glass mountains to do some hiking!
C ya!!!!
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