Morning all
Thursday over here and nearly the end of the week. I hope everyone is well. We have just recovered from our race. My legs were absolutely agony on Monday morning - couldn't really walk up and down stairs but they are back to normal now!
We are planning to go to the "Ekka" on Saturday, it's the Queensland National Show and it's meant to be kind of like the Royal Highland Show back home. They have loads of shows, demonstrations, live music etc and fireworks. They also have things called "Showbags" which we had never heard of. There' sabout 500 different kinds ranging from $2 to $65 and the value inside them is more that you pay, u get Cadbury ones, pepsi, sports 1s, kids one, clothes ones etc. We'll definately buy a few of the chocolately ones!!
Apparantly you have to eat Strawberry ice cream (real straberries) and Dogwood dogs or something - no clue what they are!! Oh and Birdie Beetles are popular which are apparently chocolate beatle things - u know me, happy to try everything and anything!!
Got a 10km race Sunday morning and need to do a trial run of putting up our tet in the garden as next weekend we're of camping.
Anyway, 8:30AM so i better start work, going down to the Family Law department this morning to help out so that should be interesting!
C xx
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