Hi All,
Me again, hope I can bring you up to speed on the latest news down under!!!!
In was announced today on the news that they will be going to level 6 water retrictions due to a Scots man names Iain Ring-MacLeod leaving water running for over a period of a week, which meant couples now need to share showers. Since I was aware of this threat last week I have left all taps running as level 6 sounds appealing to me. I think most blokes would agree and have done the same!!!!!
This is my 5th week working and it seems to some of the Oz customers that if I'm not Irish then I have definately lost my Scottish east or even west acsent. Think there on drugs as most people at work think I'm scottish and we have nicked named each other. I'm the wee Yin, Matt is the Big Yin and Steve the Manager is "See you Jimmy"!!!!
I've now been cycling to work every day, running 4 times a week and hardle having any alcohol. This means I am now becoming a health freek so this week to shake this trend I'm off out for a meal and some fine Alcohol at $3 a bottle on Friday. A Scotsman needs to keep some of the home traditions and drinking was meant to be one of them. However my 12K run is this week so we will let you know what it was like and how it goes next week.
On our tour C mentioned our wonderful destination stops. The first Mount Tamberine, well not only did it have homemade giant scones and they were free but you could help yourself so I had two. Then found the famous fudge shop which C is pictured in we bought this hot chilli fudge and my mouth was on fire, Could't buy any water though as it would have cost me $50 due to the donkeys having to bring it up from the villages below to the top of the mountain. .
When we reached O'reillys the fun begun. Kids laughing and climbing up and down the 30m ladders with no care in the world and me taking it slow scared as a mouse. How you wish to be a wee boy again as getting hurt was never in your mind!!!
The platform at the top of the tree was meant to hold 2 people so when the canadian women started to come up and the platform started to shake I thought i was a gonner!!!
There was a famous plane crash here so there was some good history about survivors and how they were saved by the O'reilly family.
It was exiting and dangerous like Indiana Jones and the temple of doom, Parrots flying and eye height scaring C and seeing wild Kangeroos in the forest from the bus. We even ended up in an Army firing zone the bus driver told us the bus was safe as it had bullet proof windows but I wasn't taking any chances and kept my head low.
C was right the wine tasting was done in 20 minutes so I too was drunk especially with all this running and not much drink in previous weeks.
We bought our tent and mattress for $20 (8 pound) off this little lady was going to batter her down to $10 but thought that would have made me a real cheap skate.
On Sunday I said to C I wanted to see the battle of the bands and sunbathe. I had seen the advert and it mentioned rock so thought it would be fun. When we turned up it was the battle of the brass bands, never mind but they still played James bond etc.
Well thats me for this week speak soon and take care all!!!
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