Brisbane is now warm - like a really good summer's day back home (even tho it's their winter) think it may be sunbathing weather!
Anyway started at new Law firm on Monday and is good - lots of work to do and i can go and sit in Anzac square for my lunch and catch some rays!!
Iain bought a wall planner calender thing so we can organise when we're going to do all our trips (quite exciting!!) and how much they are...
Not too much gossip really - just working away during the day - going for a run along the river after work tonight (hard to fit exercising in - but i manage it!!!) Decided against joining a gym coz then we can save our money for trips and so many nice places to run anyway!
Heard about the terrorists back home - not good and people have been arrested in Brisbane in connection with it - strange coincidence!!
Looking forward to the weekend - not sure what are plans are yet but trying to do lots at weekend so we can see everything and no point in lounging about the house as u can do that anywhere in the world!!
Back to work for 3 hours....
C xx
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