Charlotte & Iain's Road Trip!
Just thought i'd blog my nightmare day of yesterday.
Well i got ask to go to the Supreme court to lodge docs for a solicitor but he didn't ask me to go until 3:50pm and the court shuts at 4:00 - well i ran so fast as it's a good few blocks away. I was running so fast that i ran out of my shoe and this man picked it up for me and i had to go back for it, then i dropped my phone and lost the back casing - but hey i arrived at court in 6 minutes and just made it. I then had to wait about 30mins as there were so many people and was so hot and sweaty - not a good experience but my 1st i suppose as running around like mad with deadlines like lawyers do!!
Anyway i just thought i'd let everyone know about my stressful afternoon!
C xx
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