We arrived at the island of Nattaro in the Stockholm Archipelago after 11 hours and 61NM we had to use the motor to maintain a reasonable speed at times as the wind died from time to time. About three quarters of the way over our depth gauge was reading 459m, we were over Landsorts--Djupet the deepest part of the Baltic Sea, also an explosive dumping ground. We have spent 3 nights at anchor here spending time exploring the island, there are many huts and camp sites with only a few people moving in for the holidays season, we are still in low season so very quite. There are over one hundred deer on the island, we saw just 2. After the war the population on the islands was in decline with young people moving into the big city's, by the 60s the government was buying up considerable amounts of land and constructing the holiday villages for the "ordinary" people to spend there holidays. They also formed Nature Reserves on a lot of islands. We are now glad we did not sail to Estonia as we have been listening to gale forecasts for that area, we have not had good weather, quite a bit of rain, but not the gales
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