Friday 26 February
When I wake it's already after 7 so I get up and hung the quilt out from the washing machine. I notice a tear along it's seam. I sew up the other quilt's tear and put it in to wash the go outside to sew the drying quilts seam. The morning was the calm before the storm. I eat breakfast and deal with the vegetables we brought last night. I chop beans while listening to a podcast. After Malcolm comes back from the school he takes a nap. I do all the washing there is. Hannah has gone with peniniah the manager to do home visits. Around 11 Lita arrives to meet with grace, but grace isn't there so Hannah and I go off in search of her house. We ask at several homes, and find a different grace, but not the one we are looking for. We stop by the store for a few things and the pharmacy for condoms for our class. They are going to get a female condom for us on Monday. Hannah gets peniniah to contact grace. She is in a meeting and is unsure when she'll be done. We chat and organise stuff for the girls programme. The day care cook needs to go for supplies so we decide to take Lita home. On the way back we see Oju walking and give him a ride. We buy some plastic things for the girls and collect Olivia and go back to the day care. I'm hungry and happy for lunch. It's nearly 3 so we pack up the car and take some things over while we walk. There us lots to do there. Malcolm has been helping move furniture. I move beds and make them while Hannah goes back for more things. Malcolm and peniniah go and collect the girls. It's a long wait and eventually I walk back to get the washing in and start making cookies. I make a giant batch. When the others come back they start in dinner. Roast potatoes, and tomatoes with hummus bread and chocolate pudding. I have a shower. We eat while watching a movie. I'm exhausted.
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