Friday 5 February
I get up before Hannah returns from the hospital. I trial my birthday gift for Hannah and it's very successful so I'm happy. I heat up the remaining pizza from Tuesday for breakfast. It's pretty windy. Malcolm takes the kids to school. And after eating he gets ready to take the supplies and Mohammad to the pink house to make screens for the iron frames. I look through my resources for the school and pick out what needs to be copied and laminated. Hannah works on the money management. I do some washing too. We eat lunch at the day care. The kids and just doing their matching to bed song. So cute! We take lunch to the hospital for Theresea and take another worker to get seen. Headaches for 3 days. We stop by the printing place on the way back. It takes them along time, but eventually we get everything done. I speak to mal while we wait. They haven't stopped for lunch. We collect lunches and take them over as well as check on progress. Then it's off to do the school run and back. I'm exhausted and take a nap. The rest of the afternoon is restful. Malcolm is baking bread. I cook rice and Hannah and I have it for dinner with peanut stew. We find a tick on the kitten. Hannah gets it off and we put protection on both cats. We relax and chat into the evening.
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