Sunday 14 February
I'm up early to make chocolate cake and cook rice. The recipe seems odd to me as there isn't much sweetener. But I make it and it looks good. Malcolm does washing. I do the dishes and start prep for my lessons. I comment on the cakes sugarless ness and read to recipe once again. Opps my bad! I forgot to put it in. I didn't see the sugar listed despite reading it lots of times. I hope the sweet icing will balance it. About 10 we leave to go to violets parents house. We stop by the hospital to drop food. It's a long trip. We stop at some shops on the way to buy good for us and gift food for the family. They seem very happy to see us. Lunch is beans rice chapati plantains and watermelon. Everyone seems to like the cake. They don't like very sweet things. Maybe my sugar blindness was meant to be. We sit until it gets very hot I. The afternoon. It's a bit for a squish in the car. 5 in the back and 2 in the front. I'm sweating from holding the sleeping baby. It's a long trip back with stops to pick up rose and get things from the market. Then allmart square and markets and pharmacy in monduli. I'm exhausted and shower once we are home. Dinner is great and I go to bed early.
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