Monday 11 January
Today is the day we cook at the day care as the cook is in town getting some government numbers worked out. We soaked the beans overnight. There is a large pile of stuff to take over so we each carry some. Malcolm sorts through the rice while I start cutting up vegetables for the beans. It's about 12:30 by the time is all cooked and first round if dishes done. I like it, but I'm not sure the locals do! I followed a recipe for African beans. Hmm.
The plumbing in this house is terrible. Pretty much everything leaks as wrong and cheap parts have been used. There are pretty much always puddles on the ground. I do as much lunch dishes as I can. I'm exhausted! The others return and eat their lunches. There is rose, a lady from Arusha coming to see if she wants to work here. I feel like I'm falling asleep so head back to the house for a nap. I feel much refreshed. We decide to cook chocolate pudding for dinner and enjoy it over a movie.
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