Monday 1 February
There was a crazy wind in the night. Doors and windows rattling. It's hard to imagine in the peace of day light. Hannah goes early to the hospital and Malcolm takes the kids to school. I make a smoothie and tidy the kitchen. There are contracts and pay to help sort out. Hannah starts meeting with staff. I go with a man to deliver the food to the hospital and get medication. When we get to the hospital we find out that the baby is sicker and the medication changed. We have to visit all three pharmacies to find what we are looking for. Back to the hospital to deliver. The needs here are endless. I have lunch when I return. Hannah is meeting with more staff. It's a mostly quiet afternoon. I go with Hannah in the evening to get eggs and peanuts. But return with only peanuts. Dinner is veggies and hummus. A game of scrabble (which I lose) and bed.
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