Friday 15 January
Another day. Another smoothie. Malcolm takes the kids to school and gives mama junior a ride to her office. When the supplies are dropped off I start ironing off stickers off material getting them ready for washing. They will eventually be amazing scrub tops. Malcolm bakes bread. We leave before 10 for our meeting at the girls school. We have to wait nearly half an hour before seeing the head. They really don't have a health programme so want everything covered. It's going to be a big undertaking. The key we have for the rav is not working well and we think we are locked out. But turns out it just takes perseverance. We stop by the ATM and the store for chocolate. Lunch is chips and African donuts and fruit. I continue looking for school programmes. There is lots out there. Then I just enjoy the afternoon. I help Hannah bake cookies and then we have bread for dinner. Grace the tailor comes and we try and communicate about the scrubs. We stay up late chatting.
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