Sunday 10 January
Malcolm cooks pancakes for breakfast! They are so fat and I can't eat all of mine! A quiet morning passes quickly. Lori comes back just before 11. After lunch we go to market and buy some vegetables for the week and some shoes for a little girls first day at school. We get some things from the store and get some money out from the ATM. We run it dry! We go up out of the village to the school and give a ride to a white girl we meet walking up the road. Her name is daisy and she is volunteering for 6 months at a school teaching. We stop by the school inspectors house to drop off a computer. Back at the house we unpack food and start on dinner. Hannah has brought some food for a local family struggling at the moment. After dinner we Deliver it to someone who will drop it off and then walk around the block. The ground is moist after the rainfall and sticks badly to our shoes. We check out some houses being built. We do some clothes washing, but the forecast is for rain so we have to find places to dry them. Our portable lines come in handy again.
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