Cro Magnon man - Cro means hole and Magnon owner of the land and Le Eyzies in the southwest of France is where the first specimen was found. Cro Magnon's being the oldest known modern humans in Europe. We stayed in the Cro Magnon Hotel - appropriate don't you think??
How about a treat since our Airbnb accommodation had been very average as it was the only place we could get as it was the bank holiday weekend in the summer holidays - every man and his dog wanting to be in the Area. It was 20 Euros a night overpriced and further from the town of Sarlat than they had stated. A young couple getting a few extra euros, making hay while the sunshine's. The bonus was they were never home and we did have access to the kitchen so cooked a couple of means which is always great when you are on the road constantly.
We found this great hotel that was built into the rock and we got a huge room and a great picturesque window, and a car park too - sorted and it means we can have another day biking in this fabulous area. We also visited a Prehistoric Park that was extremely well done - to visit the caves with drawings you have to book days in advance at the Information nfo centres of that town and we have missed out due to it being so busy.
The summer in France this year has not been great, much cooler and quite a lot of rain, people don't let it stop them getting out and about on the river on, campsites are crowded, they have swimming pools in their camping grounds and all sorts of facilities. The river is like a highway with all the canoes, red, yellow, green, blue & orange, loaded with people paddling down, it's a colourful site.
- comments
ALeeaNZ Fack orf JackIe, this iz definitely on my bucket list...and you can best believe my bucketz got no freakin arse to it... Right now date...this is one of the eaziest blogz I have ever soaked up... Totally loving your unique blend of wordz and y'know JackIe? I alwayz knew I had a lot to learn from you and these Cro Magnon stampz of human chronology are just blowing my mind..o for freakin awesome.Thank you so much ...I am so glad to have befriended you Te day you leftv.'.I think!