India and Nepal 2022
Astorga to Rabanal After the 'high' of yesterday's walk from sunrise to sunset, my body aches and I feel physically and emotionally drained. I cannot sleep because of the snoring in a nearby bunk and as I lie awake, I feel the sensation of two or three tears gliding down my cheeks into my ears. At 3.30 this morning, and after walking for four weeks, I do not think I can walk another step and I am exhausted. I have reached my low point on my journey. This Camino feels tough, really tough. But I know that like the physical Camino path and in life generally, what goes down must come up again and I know that tomorrow, I will climb to the highest point of the Camino. Before that, there is another 20km day to get through. It's Halloween and two young Australians have got into the spirit of the day by dressing up as a scarecrow and a skeleton and will walk in these costumes today. Sam and Ellie are great fun and bring their own Aussie originality to the Camino. Rabanal marks the staging post before the mountains and we book into a hotel where there are fluffy towels, clean white sheets and a bath - luxury! At 4.30 In the afternoon, I am fast asleep and will sleep soundly until the morning.
- comments
Lynne Gosh I well recall that "fluffy towel" moment from my trek. Enjoy and feel renewed.