Slept in yet again and woke to drizzle and mist. We had planned to spend the day doing chores in Colac but by the time we had finished breakfast everything had changed and Nick went off into Apollo Bay while I stayed at the campsite and looked after the caravan. A long weekend starts in Victoria today and we are expecting the campground to fill up. I spent the entire day doing schoolwork with the kids. After every half an hour they would have a break and do fifty star jumps under the annex as it was raining by now and too wet to run around. We only broke for lunch and stopped around 3pm when Nick got back. He had been into town to fill up with water, do the laundry and re-stock groceries for the long weekend and it had all been fairly disastrous so I think I had the better deal! We had a walk along the beach before dinner and Nick spent a long time helping our neighbour use a new app, so before you knew it the day had gone. We had dinner and watched a continuous stream of campers arrive. I spent the evening doing some work and earning some money and it was gone midnight before we went to bed - and the campers were still arriving!
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