Adventures of a Global Wanderer
Moving day was going to be problematic and a big challenge. I was actually moving two apartments into a third apartment. I didnt take the new schools apartment but found my own one. However, we had to move their furniture into the new apartment, as well as all of my stuff from my current apartment into the new one. The school had been very insistent that I take their fridge and washing machine along with their bed, tv, wardrobe, table and chairs. They messed up the deal with the first apartment I was in discussion with by contacting the landlord directly insisting she take the fridge and washing machine when she was going to supply them to me. They were also not going to pay me the housing allowance but would pay it to her on one contract while I pay the excess rent on a seperate contract. This confused the landlord so she backed out as it seemed too problematic to her than a simple rental agreement. I then found another apartment and signed the deal myself without involving the school. Luckily this came with no fridge or washing machine so we could take the schools appliances as they were being very insistent I need to take them if I dont take the schools apartment. Then I had to co-ordinate the move from their apartment and my current apartment into the new apartment. They kept saying they were "giving" the furniture so I thought they were having it delivered. They had also been insisting I must pay for the truck. However when we called to ask when their truck would come they said they dont have a truck and I have to arrange to get one. I was quite furious as to why they have never specifically said this and were now dumping this on me at the last minute. I had also asked them if they were willing to pay the truck fee since now that I had one rental contract (whereas before they were proposing two by making a seperate contract with the first landlord to pay the housing allowance) they would not have to pay the agents fee on their contract Since they dont have to pay the agents commission on their seperate contract can they use that money they were going to pay to pay for the truck instead. They started jumping up and down saying I agreed had to pay for the truck and that now I was saying no. This was not the case, I was just asking a question. Since they were being what seemed to me childish about the whole situation insisting I have to find and pay for my own truck I decided I wasnt going to argue and that I'll just go and rent one myself rather than waste energy arguing. Two of the teachers at the school I was leaving had been kind enough to call around to arrange trucks. One had quoted 130,000w ($115) to move the schools furniture into the new apartment. Then another quoted the same price but to move the schools furniture as well as the furniture from my current apartment into the new apartment. Originally I said I would help move everything myself to save money. Then I thought about it, I would get tired moving appliances down from the third floor as well as moving all my stuff from my apartment so agreed to pay an extra 50,000w for a second guy to come so 180,000w total for two guys to move both apartments into the third apartment. We all met at the schools pink apartment that I choose not to take after I had biked down there. It needs to be rewallpapered inside as I cant live in that pink decor for one year. It was also noisy with a factory beside that operates long hours, and was in an older neighbourhood. The movers took the appliances down the three floor as well as the rest of the furniture. We then drove over to the new apartment to deliver all the furniture. Turns out one of the movers speaks very good english. He had studied at Kings College in London for a year and does moving work on the weekends for extra cash. At the new apartment it was very easy moving everything in as it was a ground floor flat. We then went back to my old apartment to collect all of my stuff. Now the mover decided he wanted another 50,000. I asked what for as we had many conversations discussing moving two apartments into a third apartment for 130,000w and that I had agreed to pay an extra 50,000w for the second guy. Now he wanted an additional 50,000 so 230,000w total. His helper that spoke english felt this was too much money as well so helped negotiate a final price of 200,000w. ($180). We then loaded up the truck to move everything to the new apartment. I dont understand where al this stuff comes from as I arrived with two suitcases and have to leave with 2 x 32kg suitcases. I lot of if was food from the fridge, freezer, and cupboards. I had been stockpiling since I was living next to Homeplus which has Tesco UK foods and the other stuff was household goods for the kitchen, cleaning supplies, and laundry. Now that both moves had been done I could clean and unpack. The gasman came in the afternoon to turn on the gas. The teacher that was leaving from the schools apartment had left behind lots of kitchen stuff and food that I dont need so we had taken it in the truck to my old apartment to leave it for the new teacher that was coming to my old school. When I was cleaning and opened the wardrobe that had been taped shut during the move I found the old teachers pillows, blankets, and sheets which had been left in the cupboard. So now I had to take it again to my old apartment to leave it for the new teacher. The tv cabinet was also bothering me. I had one with a slot for my dvd player and my basket full of stuff fit in the drawer below. The new school had a three drawer cabinet so no room for a dvd player and my plastic basket doesnt fit in the drawers. This was bothering me so since I was going back to my old apartment sunday morning to drop off the bedding I decided to switch the two tv cabinets in a taxi. The old apartment doesnt have as much storage so the new teacher would probably be happy for a three drawer chest and wouldnt have a dvd player. When I came back and tried to connect the washing machine I then noticed the hose connectors were wrong. I went back again to see how the hose connecters were in the old apartment I had the plastic portion but was missing the metal connector. All the hardware stores were closed on sunday but luckily homeplus was open and had them for $2 each. However, when I came back they still wouldnt connect and water was leaking out. The landlord brought a plumber round during the week and we got it to work. Turns out I had tightened it too much which was blocking the water flow and that the washer was to be left loose. I've now been in the apartment for one week and the new school is yet to pay the housing allowance which was due and payable to the landlord on the day I moved in. So much for all their insisting for weeks that I take their appliances, pay and arrange for a truck to move them, and yet they knew the rent was due the first day I moved in so where is it? I think there's possibly one person causing all the problems. The school is massive, five floors with four wings. I've seen empty classrooms being used for storage and there are other storage areas. There is a night duty person who lives onsite so I'm sure would be happy for apartment furniture in his room, and several teachers room where they could put the fridge. So I dont know why they kept saying they have nowhere to put the stuff and have been causing all these problems.
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