We arrived safely after the 50 NM trip across the ( bay of Swedish biscay ) the seas were very confused making it a somewhat uncomfortable crossing, we had a mix of good sailing and then motoring as the wind died until it returned again, the small outpost that is Utklippan. It's 12 NM off shore and was blasted out of solid rock in the 30s to make a safe haven for local fishermen. It consists of two islands, lighthouse keepers lived here up till 1972 when they were made redundant, since then the islands are uninhabited. In the summer there is a small restaurant and youth hostel, not yet open as mid June is not considered summer. Utklippan Is a major bird breeding ground and parts of the island are off limits until after the breeding season has finished. They also have Natterjack toads, though we did not see them. We did spent an hour sat down by the beach watching about ten Seals diving off the rocks then trying to get back on again.
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