After an amazing dinner last night at Hotel de Crecy, consisting of four courses, each fabulous and wine matched with each course. The company of the hosts Bruno and Martine was delightful and another couple from Belgium and yep two Aussies. It was a great night but I did have the 70km ride lurking in the back of my mind! We finally got to bed about 11pm, breakfast was at 8am and what a breakfast it was, all homemade jams, cafe, eggs, ham just what we needed for our challenging day ahead. We headed off onto the french country roads making our way east to drop down to Castets-en-Dorthe where the Canal Garonne starts. The 30km's to get there were fun, fantastic downhills and little up hills into the villages along the way. We didn't take a wrong turn of get lost once yahoooo. We hit the canal before lunch and stepped up the pace as it was flat and shadex and really scenic. The cycle track runs alongside the canal and weaves from one side to the other via lovely bridges, it was so pleasant I was loving it. Lunch was again a picnic under a tree and a welcomed rest, I was feeling quite pleased with myself getting these km's ticking along quite easily. We stopped at Meilhan-sur-Garonne for a deserved ice cold beer and boy it tasted good only about 12 more kms to go. Our stop tonight is at BNB run by a Scottish couple and there is a pool - we jumped in pretty quickly when we arrived and it really cooled us down fantastic, I'm liking this bike riding when you have a great bed and dinner cooked for you. Our host John is a really nice guy and explained the dinner menu which sounded beautiful. We had a great meal, I was starving after that long ride, John and Fiona have 4 daughters and we met two of them, real characters and both very strong personalities. I couldnt believe how hot the evening was, it still must have been 30 degrees at 7pm, rhe heat of the day here seems to really click in around 4pm and is scorching until 7pm quite different to home. Off to bed at 11pm a bit late for this cyclist
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