Day 265, 26 March 2013. Whistler, B.C. The nice ski patroller who kept me company yesterday whilst waiting for the snow mobile dude didn't understand what I meant when I said I was sooking on but really couldn't make it down the mountain. I tried other versions... big girl's blouse? Being a sookie-la-lah?Nope. No comprehension at all. We spent a while nutting out the problem and figured, to keep it clean, being a wuss was as close as we'd get in local lingo. Never mind that. Today I was a sookie-la-lah with a sore paw, and I sooked on this morning about my dinged wing and decided not to go for a ski. Having made sure I was medicated, compressed and iced, James however headed to the mountain and I will let him tell you all about it...
James the Mountain Man here - I persevered without my wing man today, joining the mountain tour venturing to the far side of the mountain. We took off for some pretty extreme blue runs. It was super scenic over that side and there were some awesome runs, even some tree skiing for those who who like that sort of thing. Our tour had a little taste, but my legs were truly burned out so I headed back to the hobbit hole to be with my wing man. All in all a good day.
- comments
joan Hope you are not to sore viv and your dignity is not to bruised