Day 39. Boente to Salceda 19.46 km 465m up 490 down. A very pleasant walk with lots of shade.
Happy birthday dear jenny.
Kate see I am still rocking the scallop.
The country side is rich and green. The corn is growing well except where the rain was missed an it is very patchy and stunted. Still lots of birds butterflies and dragonflies.
I left in a grump today because I can't seem to book a train online. However within half an hour I was happy again.
Every day we meet people some we see again some we don't. Most are happy to talk if briefly. Yesterday we met a large blond woman with dreadlocks and her dark skinned blackhaired son about 4 who was so angry he dropped his pack then kicked. Is it fair to bring kids and dogs. The ridgeback looked fine but the chihuahua looked unhappy. Just a thought.
Only two days and 27.2km to go. I am ready for it to finish but wouldn't have been if I had spent less time. Hugh happy to be doing it with me and I very happy to have him here.
Great dinner i had squid and salad followed by cod. Hugh had spaghetti followed by cod. The squid had mussels on the side. Just lovely.
- comments
Jenny Hi dear friend. What an adventure - I am so looking forward to hearing about it when you get home. Thank you for the birthday wishes but please don't rush me as your birthday first!! Glad you are both happy and well. Lots love
kiwi07 Omg I keep doing that. Look forward to catching up and hearing your news. Love Rp
Kate From kaiteri to Spain.. I like that.... Your journey that began with a single step Nearly completed ... Heatwave in Paris ... Sweating rose ha ha ... Xxxxx