Today I have my flight to Buenos Aires and hopefully some warm weather after over two months in freezing cold Patagonia. I got up early so I could have some tea and say goodbye to Luz and Lucia and thank them both for hosting me before they had to rush off to work. At 1pm Lucia's Mum came around and said goodbye and locked the house up behind me. I walked about 1km to the police boarder control and then got my little airport sign out and attempted to hitchhike my way 18km to the airport. I must of only waited about 5 minutes and a really nice young Argentinian couple picked me up and gave me a lift to the airport. I told them about my travels and they were absolutely blown away and couldn't believe my type of lifestyle - a really nice feeling when people get stoked on my travels and lifestyle. I had arrived at the airport with 3 hours to spare so after checking in my bag I sat and surfed the net waiting for 4pm to come. The plane was quite a bit late with boarding and we didn't take off until about 1 hour after the scheduled departure time. I usually sleep really well on flights but as I was quite excited I could barely close my eyes and when I eventually did the hostesses brought around the mid flight snacks of biscuits and soft drink. The flight took three hours and as we came into Buenos Aires we were met with the most amazing sunset and I was presented with the ginormous vastness of Argentinas capital - Buenos Aires. I had a really nice feeling getting off the plane and could feel the excitement like a small child in a candy store. Unfortunately baggage claim took over 30 minutes and my good energy and excitement changed to frustration. I eventually made it out of the airport and after asking security found where the buses were located. I took one bus to a plaza and then caught another to Sonia's street - the trip was not without a few little dramas and as Buenos Aires is renowned as being one of the most dangerous cities in South America I was very alert and probably a little paranoid. I however made it to Sonia's without a hiccup and was directed up to her apartment on the 9th floor of a downtown apartment complex. Sonia is amazing and a very relaxed purpose and we hit it off straight away. We talked and talked before heading down to the supermarket to buy some things for dinner. For dinner we had a tomato, lettuce and avocado salad and some roast chicken which was just what I needed. After some tea and chocolates it was 1am so it was time to pump up the air mattress, make my bed and take a shower. Sonia has some free time this week which is great so we can hang-out together and go to the theatre and a few other places.
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