After only a couple of hours sleep I was up early and ready for a Saturday in Buenos Aires. I had to wait for Sonia to get up so we could go purchase our tickets for tonight's theatre and maybe head to the Planatarium. By midday she was still not up so I went for a walk around Villa Crespo and enjoyed the sunshine. Later in the afternoon we worked out a plan and walked down to the shopping mall to purchase our theatre tickets - Sonia had found ticket coupons online for half price so we ended up getting tickets very cheap. We then caught a bus to the Botanical Gardens and walked from there along passed the zoo, through two beautiful parks and to the planetarium. In the parks on the weekends there are free activities put on by the government like aerobics, gym classes, roller skating and kids sport - something really nice I have found in the more well developed countries of South America. We brought out tickets for the 5:30 show Cosmic collisions and then sat in the park waiting for it to start. The show was sold out and I was pretty excited but unfortunately as it was all in Spanish and in a dark room I could barely keep my eyes open and fell asleep 3-4 times during the 40 minute presentation. After the show we walked a little and then took a bus back to Sonia's. we brought a side of beef and some vegetables and I showed Sonia how to cook roast beef - the problem being we only had an hour cook time before we had to go to the theatre. The roast went on and I got ready but as the time got closer we realized it would be very right - I cut a few pieces and sped their cooking time up so we could eat before going. The roast was ok not brilliant and it was a shame we had to rush the meal, leaving the house 15 minutes before the show started. We ran to the bus jumped on and arrived at the theatre 20 minutes late but luckily as this is Argentina everything is late and the show hadn't started. Amazingly my friends from lastnight Carola and Merlin and two of their friends had come to join us at the show. The show started with the group of us being led into this dark room - holding the shoulder of the person infront of us, we were then seated (in complete darkness) and nervously awaited the start of the show. What followed was an amazingly unique experience where sound, smell and touch were used by 8 actors and actresses all of whom were blind; conveying a story of Argentina in the early days. One minute we could here people washing clothes, the next a group of people fighting, than singing, smells of fresh coffee, washing powder and food filled our nostrils and as the actors walked around they would intentionally bump into us and scare us with sudden movements. It was scary at times and apparently very funny as all those who understood Spanish were laughing constantly, they created amazing animal noises from chickens to horses to dogs and man made machines. After an hour it was over and I was completely blown away when they turned the light on and we were in a small room with all the actors and actresses - they created so much depth and area in the performance simply through the use of sound and sound effects. We spent the next hour discussing the performance and how unique it was before making out way to the mall to hang-out and chat some more. By 1am we were all tired so we said our goodbyes and made our way back to Sonia's place.
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