Today I have an appointment at the Brazilian Comsulate but as I don't have all my required documents I decided to give it a miss. In the morning Jess and I got up at 7am and went to the gym for an early morning gym session. Jess then made myself and Merlin a delicious breakfast of yogurt cake, fresh fruit juice and dulce de leche. After breakfast and saying goodbye to Jess I decided to go for a big walk around Palamero. I had to be back at 1pm to let Merlin out of the apartment but ended up getting quite lost and the only thing that saved me was the GPS on my phone. Once I let Merlin out I headed up to the gym and did my last real workout for who knows how long. In the afternoon I had a few hours so I walked to the Recolleta district where they have a very famous cemetery that has now become one of the biggest tourist destinations in BA. After about 40 minutes I arrived and wow what a sight - these huge house like structures incasing the bodies of various wealthy people of the city. I have never seen anything like this and it was quite interesting just to wonder around appreciating all the sculptures, religious representations and the obvious amount of wealth these people had. I took a bus back to Jess's house and arrived at the same time she had finished work. We chatted for a while before I said goodbye and headed to my new hosts place on the other side of the city. The traffic was mental at this hour and what was supposed to take me 45 minutes on the bus ended up taking over 2 hours. I arrived and found Heli's place easily and when I met her it was like a breath of fresh-air. Heli not only speaks English incredibly well but is so easy going and cool that we literally didn't have a second of silence all night. When I arrived she was making empanadas which unfortunately I could not eat but I made an omelette so that I could eat with her. We chatted, laughed, ate good food and I got yet another perspective on the city, the country and the people. Heli is a film editor and freelances here in BA along with working in a call centre in the afternoons. At about 1am we called it a night and after a quick shower I jumped into one of the most comfortable beds I have slept on in some time.
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