Today I was very tired from staying up and watching 5 episodes of Breaking Bad so I didn't get out of bed until 11am. I had a few things to get from the supermarkets so I went for a bit of a walk around Barracas stopping at various health food stores buying soy meat, cacao, stevia, garbanzo beans and puffed maiz. The weather is still not very nice and along with slight drizzle the sky's are very grey. In the evening I had been invited to Jess's house for dinner as she had a surfer from France that really wanted to meet me and talk about my travels in South America. At around 6pm I took the bus into the city which is never fun during peak hour and two hours later I arrived at Jess's. Jess had to go out to dinner for her friends birthday but I got to meet and hang-out with Julie her surfer. Jess had even made us a tasty vegetarian dinner, so we sat, ate and chatted about many interesting things. Julie is a very interesting French girl that has been living and working in Brazil for past year and is now here in Argentina for the next month. We talked a lot about spirituality, Vipassana/Buddhist meditation and everything else inbetween. Midnight came around and I decided it was best to go back to Heli's, I took a bus and halfway home there was a huge thunder and lightening storm and a massive downpour of rain. When I got off the bus the streets were flooded and I literally couldn't put a foot onto the road without getting sweapt away. I had an umbrella but it did nothing as wind was forcing rain to come from the side, I gritted my teeth and ran all the way back to Heli's. I arrived to Helis absolutely drenched and sweating from the intense heat and the sudden downpour. It turns out there was 55ml of rain in less then half an hour which equated to the worst downpour in years.
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